Barton Health Gets Across the Baby-Friendly Finish Line
“I received a voicemail on a Friday afternoon from Melissa Cho, the Director of Accreditation at BFUSA, saying, ‘If you have a moment, please give us a call.’ I was afraid she was going to tellRead more
Hospitals Rated “Best” for Maternity Care Are More Likely To Be Baby-Friendly Designated
Utilizing objective measures of quality such as C-section rates in lower-risk pregnancies, severe unexpected newborn complication rates, exclusive breast milk feeding rates, birthing-friendly practices, and reporting on racial/ethnic disparities, U.S. News has published its list ofRead more
Celebrating the Facilities Designated and Re-Designated in 2024
As we look back on 2024, BFUSA would like to take a moment to celebrate all of the facilities that were either newly designated or re-designated Baby-Friendly this past year. Please join us in congratulatingRead more
Keeping Breastfeeding Traditions Alive in the Zuni Tribe
Located in the heart of the Pueblo of Zuni community, the Zuni Comprehensive Community Health Center in Zuni, New Mexico is the primary health care facility for residents of the reservation and beyond. Operated byRead more
Bronson’s Persistence Pays Off in Pursuit of Baby-Friendly Designation
“Third time’s a charm,” says Carol Fuller, RN, the System Director of Nursing for Women/Children’s Services at Bronson Methodist and Bronson Battle Creek Hospitals in Kalamazoo and Battle Creek, Michigan. She’s speaking about Bronson’s longRead more
Celebrating Walter Reed’s Re-Designation
When Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland (the “President’s Hospital”) was redesignated Baby-Friendly for another five years in March of 2024, one member of BFUSA’s staff was particularly pleased to hear the news.Read more
BFUSA Bids Farewell to Becky Fallon
Becky Fallon, MSN, who has been with Baby-Friendly for six years, will be retiring in May 2024. BFUSA thanks Becky for her commitment to excellence and dedicated service throughout those years and wishes her well inRead more
Christa Rudat, Key Driver of North Baldwin Infirmary’s Baby-Friendly Success, Joins BFUSA
Christa Rudat, MSN, RN, IBCLC was ready. She had been at North Baldwin Infirmary in Bay Minette, Alabama, for less than a year when Gena Cash, the Manager of the Birth Center, came to her toRead more
BFUSA Celebrates Larry Gartner, MD ― Founding (and Current) Board Member
He was there before BFUSA was BFUSA ― in the early 1990s, as part of the initial formative discussions about how to implement the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative in the United States. Then, in 1997, he becameRead more
Stepping Up to Step 10 at Trinity Health Ann Arbor
“Isn’t that amazing? It’s one of my favorite things to talk about.” That’s how Nancy Dmitruchina, MSN, RN, IBCLC, expresses her enthusiasm for the Breastfeeding Medicine practice at Trinity Health Ann Arbor in Michigan. The practiceRead more
BFUSA Welcomes Kinkini Banerjee and Brian Dittmeier to Board of Directors
BFUSA is pleased to welcome Kinkini Banerjee and Brian Dittmeier as the newest members of its Board of Directors. Both were introduced at the Board’s October 2 meeting. “We are thrilled to welcome Kinkini and BrianRead more
Delaying Retirement for Baby-Friendly Designation
Dianne Velez, RN, BSN, IBCLC, was scheduled to retire in December 2022. As she was closing in on her 39th year of work at NYC Health + Hospitals/Metropolitan, the popular nurse was getting ready to focusRead more
What SHOULD Happen With Rooming-In
Step 7 of the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding calls for facilities to “enable mothers and their infants to remain together and to practice rooming-in 24 hours a day.” Regardless of whether a mother isRead more
What SHOULD Happen When a Mother Who Planned to Breastfeed Asks for Formula
“The best laid plans…” Things don’t always go as planned for moms who enter the hospital with a goal of breastfeeding their infant. Sometimes the mom and baby initially struggle with breastfeeding. Some popular socialRead more
UNC Hospitals – Chapel Hill First to Be Successfully Assessed on New Step 2 Competencies
When Debbie Gordon, MSN, RN, IBCLC, joined the UNC Hospitals in Chapel Hill as Manager of Lactation Services in September 2021, her primary mandate was to lead the UNC team through a successful Baby-Friendly redesignationRead more
Authors of Three-Paper Series in The Lancet Call for End to Exploitative Marketing of Formula
BFUSA would like to draw your attention to the excellent presentations and panel discussion which supported the launch of a three-paper series in The Lancet, in which the authors collectively argue that breastfeeding is aRead more
What Does It Take to Sustain Baby-Friendly Designation for 25+ Years?
“The 10 Steps were a way to standardize our practice across the unit and across the hospital, because there was basically nothing back then. We were really building it from scratch.” Sharon Baker, RNRead more
Addressing Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Breastfeeding Through Community and Hospital-Based Approaches
Baby-Friendly USA encourages you to watch this informative "Breastfeeding Grand Rounds" webcast sponsored by the University at Albany School of Public Health, in partnership with the New York State Department of Health's WIC program. TheRead more
Entire NYC Health + Hospitals System Is Baby-Friendly After Kings County Designation
The key members of the Baby-Friendly team at NYC Health + Hospitals/Kings County in Brooklyn, NY, remember with fondness the moment they heard the news that their facility had finally achieved Baby-Friendly designation in AugustRead more
Cape Cod Hospital Perseveres to Achieve Baby-Friendly Designation
“We were 10 days from our assessment date when COVID shut everything down.” That’s how Heather Lakatos, one of Cape Cod Hospital’s Lactation Consultants remembers the first of several unexpected hurdles she and the teamRead more
BFUSA Welcomes Brianna Clark as New Board Member
As a primary care physician in a rural environment, Brianna Clark, DO, MPH, CNPM, CLC, the newest member of BFUSA’s Board of Directors, encounters the full spectrum of care in her practice. “I cover ERRead more
A Life and Career Enhanced by Baby-Friendly
Natashia Conner Goes from Mom to Mother Partner to IBCLC to Health Equity Advocate We met Dr. Natashia Conner where so many people meet these days – on Facebook. In a moment of reflection duringRead more
A Total Commitment to Breastfeeding at Petaluma Valley Hospital
“I would say there’s a total commitment from the team on the unit for breastfeeding. They all have a passion for breastfeeding.” That’s how Wendi Thomas, RN, MSN, Director of Nursing at Petaluma Valley Hospital,Read more
BFUSA Welcomes Casey Bland as New Board Member
Baby-Friendly USA is pleased to welcome Casey Bland, RN, MSN, as the newest member of its Board of Directors. Casey is currently serving as the Provider Quality Coordinator for Blue Cross Blue Shield of MississippiRead more
Baby-Friendly on the Local News
We at BFUSA are so impressed with the facilities that have remained steadfast in their commitment to the Baby-Friendly designation pathway during the challenges that have come with the pandemic. These facilities have been remarkably flexibleRead more