New Study Finds Breastfeeding Linked to Reduced Odds of Infant Deaths in the US
BFUSA would like to bring to your attention a study recently published in Lancet by Li et al., which adds to the substantial and ever-growing evidence of the benefits of breastfeeding. While there is substantial evidenceRead more
BFUSA Awards First Designations Via Virtual Assessment Process
“It was challenging, in a good way,” says Vanessa Dacey, BFUSA’s Accreditation Director. She’s speaking about the need to revamp many of BFUSA’s policies and systems when it became clear that assessors would not be ableRead more
BFUSA Releases Toolkit to Bring Baby-Friendly Principles to the NICU
BFUSA is pleased to announce that we have released an important set of resources to help providers apply Baby-Friendly principles in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The BFUSA NICU Toolkit is designed to help NICUsRead more
BFUSA Releases Updated BFHI Guidelines and Evaluation Criteria
Baby-Friendly USA is excited to announce the release of the updated Guidelines and Evaluation Criteria (GEC) 6th edition, for the United States, which will apply to all Baby-Friendly designation assessment letters received on or after JuneRead more
Celebrating 40 Years of the Code
Forty years ago today, on May 21, 1981, the World Health Assembly (WHA) adopted the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes (the Code). Recognizing the extent to which the promotion of breastmilk substitutes was adverselyRead more
Baby-Friendly in the Pandemic: Ingenuity, Flexibility, and Doing Whatever It Takes
Over the past year, BFUSA has engaged in a series of support calls with Baby-Friendly designated facilities to learn about how things have been going at the front line of care during the pandemic. We haveRead more
Update from BFUSA: Virtual Assessments
Dear Colleagues, The COVID-19 pandemic has compelled all organizations and businesses to make changes, some small, some very large. At BFUSA, we have been forced to make significant changes to our core activity, hospital assessments, byRead more
Hello from Eileen FitzPatrick, BFUSA’s New CEO
Dear Colleagues, Happy New Year! I have spent my first month transitioning into the CEO position at BFUSA. I thought this was a good time to reach out to say hello to all of you. IRead more
BFUSA Welcomes Eileen FitzPatrick as New CEO
Dear Colleagues, I am very excited to inform you that, after an extensive and thorough search process, the Baby-Friendly USA Board of Directors has chosen Eileen FitzPatrick, DrPH, MPH, RDN, to be the new CEO ofRead more
Update from BFUSA
Dear Colleagues, BFUSA would once again like to express our heartfelt appreciation to the thousands of dedicated healthcare workers caring for patients throughout the US during this difficult time. Thank you for all your hard workRead more
Important Information – Just in Time for World Breastfeeding Week
Welcome to World Breastfeeding Week! World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated every year from August 1 - 7 to commemorate the Innocenti Declaration. This milestone document was signed in August 1990 by government policymakers, WHO, UNICEF and otherRead more
Update on BFUSA Search for New CEO
Dear Colleagues, As we announced in May, Baby-Friendly USA CEO Trish MacEnroe will be retiring at the end of this calendar year. The BFUSA Board is conducting a national search to find her successor by thisRead more
New Study: In-Hospital Formula Feeding Linked to Earlier Weaning
An important new study in the journal Pediatrics has found that in-hospital formula feeding is linked to earlier weaning from breastfeeding, with infants exposed to formula in the hospital at 2.5 to 6 times higher riskRead more
BFUSA Initiates Search for New CEO
An Important Announcement from Baby-Friendly USA Dear Colleagues, Trish MacEnroe has informed the Baby-Friendly USA (BFUSA) Board of Directors that, after more than ten years as the Executive Director/CEO of BFUSA, she will be retiring atRead more
Now More Than Ever, Baby-Friendly Facilities Must Protect Parents from Commercial Interests
Dear Colleagues, On March 26, BFUSA announced that, in order to support facilities in assisting mothers to access adequate nutrition for their babies during the COVID-19 crisis, we would relax one standard regarding the provision ofRead more
Coronavirus Update #2
The entire team at Baby-Friendly USA sends our deepest gratitude to all healthcare providers, staff and first responders for the heroic work you are doing to provide incredible care to your patients. To say you areRead more
Coronavirus Update
This message contains important information regarding issues related to the COVID-19 outbreak. Our thoughts are with all hospital personnel, specifically those providing direct care to patients. We are also grateful for the tireless efforts of thoseRead more
Revised Guidance About the Infant-Driven Feeding Training Program
On September 4, 2019, BFUSA issued a statement pertaining to the conflict of interest that emerged as a result of Dr. Brown’s Medical acquiring the Infant Driven Feeding (IDF) Program. Our statement sparked an important discussion amongRead more
New Year’s Resolutions
New Year’s Greetings from Baby-Friendly USA! 2020 will be a very important year for the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) in the US. In December, BFUSA released Interim Guidelines and Evaluation Criteria (GEC), which applies to assessmentsRead more
There Are Now More than 600 Baby-Friendly Designated Facilities in the US!
Mississippi Leads the Way... The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) has reached another important milestone: over 600 birthing facilities are now Baby-Friendly designated in the US, representing more than 28% of the nation’s births. Since 1996, whenRead more
Baby-Friendly USA Releases Interim Guidelines and Evaluation Criteria
BFUSA is pleased to announce that we have released Interim Guidelines and Evaluation Criteria (GEC) for assessments taking place between February 1, 2020 and December 31, 2022. The Interim Guidelines infuse more flexibility into the currentRead more
What SHOULD Happen When Baby Does Not Get Enough Milk from Mom
It is perhaps the most important and complex question for hospital staff and medical professionals caring for newborn babies with mothers wishing to breastfeed: what are the proper procedures to ensure the safety of the babyRead more
New Study Shows Baby-Friendly Practices Associated with Decreased Rates of Early Infant Deaths
A new study published this week in the Journal of Pediatrics shows increased rates of implementation of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) are associated with decreased rates of infant deaths in the first 6 days afterRead more
Fact vs. FIB: Follow-Up
Earlier this week, we published an article showing that higher Baby-Friendly penetration rates are clearly associated with higher breastfeeding initiation rates across the country and across time. This finding served to (a) debunk the conclusions ofRead more
Fact vs. FIB: The Impact of Baby-Friendly on Breastfeeding Initiation Rates
From 2007-2015, the percent of live births occurring in Baby-Friendly designated hospitals in the US increased from 1.8% to 11.5%. During the same period, the percent of babies who were “Ever Breastfed” in the US grewRead more